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2024 Spring Conference: The Psalms: Getting to the Heart of the Christian Life

By Duane Garner

April 19 · 5pm - April 21 · 4pm EDT

Christ Church 1393 Southeast Maynard Road Cary, NC 2751


5:00-8:00 PM Ball – Cornerstone Fellowship Church, 401 Upchurch St., Apex, NC

9:00 AM Continental Breakfast & Registration

9:30-10:30 AM Session One

10:30-11:00 AM Break

11:00-12:00 PM Session Two

12:00-1:30 PM Lunch Break

1:30-2:30 PM Session Three

9:00 & 11:00 AM Lord’s Day Worship, Rich Lusk preaching

1 :00 PM Catered Fellowship Meal – 8320 Lake Wheeler Rd., Raleigh, NC

The Psalms are at the center of our Bibles and at the center of the Christian life. The psalter is amazingly versatile, covering every human emotion, from the deepest agony to the highest joy. The Psalms address individual hearts as well as public, political concerns. The Psalms shape our personal lives as Christians and are at the core of the church’s corporate worship. Because the psalms are God-given prayers prayed to God, we know they also have power to change the world. Because the Psalms are ultimately the prayers of Jesus, singing and praying them makes us more like Jesus. In this conference, we will look at three wide-ranging psalms in depth:

Psalm 2 shows us God’s purposes for history: A world ordered under the lordship of the crucified, resurrected, and reigning Christ. Psalm 2 gives us the gospel as public, political truth, the only possible foundation for a just and peaceful society. Jesus has won a smashing victory in history, and all nations will ultimately either submit to him or face his wrath.

Psalm 8 shows us God’s purposes for humanity: Man was made to worship and work, as God’s image-bearer and vice-regent. Psalm 8 reveals the meaning of life, and why everything we do matters for eternity. We are God’s stewards, a royal priesthood entrusted with fulfilling the divine plan for the creation. Though man was made from the dust of the earth, God has exalted him to a position of great honor and glory. 

Psalm 128 shows us God’s purpose for the household: God has designed the family for the good of a man, his wife, and their children. While family life is always filled with challenges in a fallen world, this psalm shows us how to build a multi-generational family culture of joy and abundance. The God-fearing husband and father will lead his family to experience the blessings of Zion.

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Beginning Sunday, November 3rd

One Service Starting at 10:00am

117 International Drive, Morrisville. NC 27560