In various places in the Scriptures we read about the works of the Holy Spirit. He encourages, convicts and guides. We read that we can sin against Him, that He works in unseen ways, mysterious ways, yes, but in material ways as well.
The Spirit of God is the Person of the Trinity who extends God’s presence into creation in such a way to order and complete what has been planned in the mind of God. The Father sends, the Son comes, the Spirit vindicates and testifies. The Father plans, the Son sacrifices and rises, and the Spirit applies.
So the Spirit is busy at work governing and tending to the creation, and especially governing and tending to the church. God promised to Ezekiel that there would come a day when He would no longer hide His face from the people, “but I will pour out my Spirit on the house of Israel, declares the Sovereign Lord.” And we see him at work throughout history, both Bible history and church history, working out His plans. Giving men and women the power to go beyond their normal physical capacities. Carrying them far beyond their natural wit and intuition. Giving them gifts of craftsmanship, like the men who built the tabernacle with glory and beauty.
Ever wonder how the first men made bread? Iron? Wine? You know how complicated those processes are? Men arrive at some pretty advanced technologies very early in the Scriptures. Who taught men these arts, who gave them the insights and discipline?
We also see the Holy Spirit giving men the gifts of statesmanship, and leadership like Moses and Joshua and Peter. The Spirit gives us the power and the courage to lead. This is the very same Spirit who was poured out on the day of Pentecost on the church. The Spirit who empowers and enables all these amazing things, has drawn near to you, speaks to you, comforts you, encourages you.
Remember when you talk about the Spirit and the work of the Spirit you are not only talking about abstract, untouchable, unknowable things. Remember that He works on real flesh and blood humans, with real means that you can touch, taste, see, smell, hear. Lay hold of all the things He has given you – to hold on to – to enjoy. You are filled with the Spirit of God – submit to His leadership.